Find More Words

Find More Words!
The fast and easy way to find words for Scrabble and Words with Friends!
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336 votes Vote

More letters

12 letters isn't enough to enter to get the maximum amount of suggestions. you go up to 15 letter words.. why not let us enter 15 letters? Thank you I use your program for creating crosswords and it's very useful.
Marco, 22.01.2014, 21:26
292 votes Vote

For a game like Wordly with a 25 letter board, 12 letters are not enough to find all possible words, even with exclusions

15 letters would be a nice start versus the current 12
Nathan, 07.01.2014, 14:33
53 votes Vote

I was able to place the same letter more than once on the rack , It no longer accepts more than one of each kind ! Why?

I don't like the new format I will probably stop using it!
Response from the site administrator
cvoice, 06.08.2015
Hi there, we've made some further enhancements to the format - we hope that helps. And the PowerWord bug has been fixed.
Nora, 27.06.2015, 04:35
530 votes Vote

For Words Containing Letters add Excluding Letters

Add the option Excluding The Letters (or Without) for words Containing The Letters Often when I look for words containing certain letters I also know other letters which I can't use. For example most of words containing "KGG" have an "N". But I...
Response from the site administrator
cvoice, 02.09.2013
All done! Thanks for the suggestion.
Bugs Bunny :) email is true though, 01.06.2013, 03:35
411 votes Vote

A maximum of only ten letters is frustrating. And no definitions. Was better before these changes.

Response from the site administrator
cvoice, 25.09.2013
Hi there, we had a lot of feedback that on a phone (versus tablet or computer), the interface was difficult so we made changes to simplify/shrink it (only on a phone). If you don't like it, you'll see a "Click for the Classic Version" and you'll see the version with dictionary, long words, PowerFinder, etc...

If you don't see it, just refresh your browser...

BC25, 24.09.2013, 21:41
338 votes Vote

Why did you change the format? What happened to the 'Power Word'?

I just went to your site and my preferred search method isn't available! Why?
Response from the site administrator
cvoice, 05.10.2013
Hi there, I apologize for any frustration. We had a lot of feedback that the app had to be simpler on a phone so we tightened up that design. If you look at the bottom of the page, there is a link to the classic version.

This situation only applies to phones. Tablets and computer will still get the Power Finder by default.

Don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Dan Anderson, 22.09.2013, 15:53
-1 comment
332 votes Vote

Bring back the dictionary link

Response from the site administrator
cvoice, 25.09.2013
HI there, we had a lot of feedback that on a phone (versus tablet or computer), the interface was difficult so we made changes to simplify/shrink it (only on a phone). If you don't like it, you'll see a "Click for the Classic Version" and you'll see the version with dictionary, long words, PowerFinder, etc...

If you don't see it, just refresh your browser...

Peter , 24.09.2013, 19:49
-1 comment
34 votes Vote

be able to scroll down the word lists, its useless now

What has gone wrong here? 6 words is next to useless
Response from the site administrator
cvoice, 06.08.2015
Eek - sorry. Bug from our update earlier in the week. It has been fixed!

Please note to pick up the change you will have to either force a hard load of the page (usually shift-F5) or delete your browser cache... If you are still having problems, let use know what browser and O/S you are on... Thanks!
benny, 06.08.2015, 12:42